Ongoing school self-review

Effective self-review processes ensure there is a systematic approach to improving the school’s learning environment and maximising students' learning opportunities.

These pages are written for beginning principals, but may be useful to others.

Table of contents

The self-review mindset
Approach self-review in a systematic way.

Self-review and why it matters
Focus on maximising the use of school resources to get the best learning opportunities for students.

Principles and levels of review
Self-review can take many forms and be carried out in a number of ways.

What is reviewed?
The board is responsible for making sure all aspects of school operations are subject to review.

Gathering the evidence
Gather evidence that targets ways to improve and add value.

Building a sustainable culture of self-review
Self-review works best when it becomes part of the school's professional culture.

The review process
It's an action learning cycle applied to an aspect of a school's operations.

Final word on self-review
It's a way of thinking.

A principal's story

Jacqui Duncan looked at ways to advance the school's practices of critical school-wide self-review. The school had self-review practices but they were a little disjointed or fragmented. 

Rethinking school-wide self-review

View the self-review support resources

Lists all the resources used in these pages. 

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