Mangere Central School: leading learning

This school story looks at how leadership capacity at Mangere Central School in South Auckland has developed and grown through a determined focus on the practices of the school’s middle leaders. 

Strongly evident in the story is the collective moral purpose, manaakitanga, that underpins the teachers’ desire to address inequities and underachievement.

The story was developed by Dr Jan Robertson and the school’s former AP, Rebecca Kaukau, in consultation and collaboration with leaders and teachers at the school.

Using the story

Professional Learning Groups (PLGs) can use the story to reflect on their own practices around raising student achievement. It contains:

  • a pecha kucha* narrated by the teachers of Mangere Central School
  • a written narrative which examines the school's learning journey, and
  • a series of tools developed by the school and included here for other teachers to adapt.

The narrative has been shaped into sections with reflective questions so PLGs can discuss the points raised.

Pecha kucha

We recommend users view the pecha kucha and hear the teachers talk first.


* Pecha kucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. This format keeps presentations concise and fast-paced.


Narrative and tools

School leadership is intentional and direct

School-wide collective responsibility for raising student achievement

Inquiry-mindedness is a way of thinking

The challenges are worth it

Building genuine reciprocal relationships

The importance of language, identity and culture

Developing tools together

Tags: Priority learners

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