Educational leadership capability framework

The Educational Leadership Capability Framework (2018) describes a set of core capabilities to guide leadership development in different spheres of influence, in early childhood education services, kura and schools.
The educational leadership capability framework was developed for the Teaching Council by NZCER.
NZCER synthesised information from key existing New Zealand government outlines of leadership, research for the Teaching and School Practices survey, and other international research and evidence about effective leadership of and in early childhood education, kura and schools.
Download the framework document – Teaching Council
Educational leadership capabilities
The nine capabilities in the framework are listed below.
Some capabilities in the list are linked to support material on this website. Links will be added for all the capabilities as support material becomes available.
- Building and sustaining high trust relationships
- Ensuring culturally responsive practice and understanding of Aotearoa New Zealand’s cultural heritage, using Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the foundation
- Building and sustaining collective leadership and professional community
Leadership spheres
The framework gives a high-level description of these capabilities and indicators of what they look like in three leadership spheres:
- Leading organisations
- Leading teams
- Expert teacher, leadership of curriculum or initiative.
The document also includes a list of resources that help to illustrate each of the educational leadership capabilities in action.
Relationship to Tū Rangitira model
The high-level descriptions of the capabilities include cross-references to the whenu – key roles of leadership described in Tū Rangatira.
The relationship of the whenu to the capabilities is shown here. The whenu names below provide links to the descriptions of them in Tū Rangatira: the first links to the te reo Māori description of the whenu; the second to the English language description.
- Building and sustaining high trust relationships
- Adept management of resources to achieve vision and goals
He kanohi mataara – The visionary
- Strategically thinking and planning
He kaiako – The teacher and learner
- Building and sustaining collective leadership and professional community
- Evaluating practices in relation to outcomes
- Attending to their own learning as leaders and their own wellbeing
- Building and sustaining collective leadership and professional community
- Embodying the organisation’s values and showing moral purpose, optimism, agency, and resilience
He kaikōtuitui – The networker
- Building and sustaining high trust relationships
- Contributing to the development and wellbeing of education beyond their organisation
- Ensuring culturally responsive practice and understanding of Aotearoa New Zealand’s cultural heritage, using Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the foundation
- Contributing to the development and wellbeing of education beyond their organisation