He kaitiaki - guardian

“Ka maru koe i tōku pūreke, he kahu pītongatonga”

Protecting and nurturing a caring environment where people and ideas are valued, health, safety and well-being are enhanced and relationships are strong

The kaitiaki leadership role is about being a guardian, caregiver and protector of all aspects of the kura. A primary focus of this role is the care and protection of the health, safety and well-being of learners and staff, and an essential part is care for oneself, and leading from a position of good health and well-being.

The kaitiaki role is also responsible for investing a range of practices with the core values of aroha, manaaki, tiaki, āwhina, whanaungatanga, whakaako, whakapono, ngākau harikoa, ngākau māhaki and whakapakari-hinengaro, acknowledging them as central to learners’ sense of well-being.

Kaitiaki leadership focuses on the protection and preservation of positive human relationships, te reo Māori me ōna tikanga and mātauranga Māori as the foundation for teaching and learning pedagogy.

Key focus area: mana mokopuna

Goal: To ensure learners are healthy and safe and that their well-being is enhanced

Leadership practice:

  • ensuring all learners are taught in a safe, caring, nurturing and healthy environment
  • ensuring legal responsibilities are met and policies for implementing, monitoring and reviewing safety and health procedures are in place
  • ensuring all staff are familiar with health, care and safety protocols

Key focus area: mana wairua

Goal: To maintain and enhance the well-being of learners, staff and whānau in a manner that is underpinned by core values

Leadership practice:

  • creating an environment that stimulates and enhances learners’ well-being
  • protecting and preserving the well-being of learners
  • caring for oneself and maintaining personal well-being in order to be able to fulfill the demands of the leadership role
  • creating an environment that upholds the core values of the kura community

Key focus area: mana tangata

Goal: To protect and maintain a nurturing and caring environment where relationships are strong and valued and ideas are affirmed

Leadership practice:

  • projecting kindness, approachability and understanding
  • exercising compassion towards and trust of learners, staff and whānau
  • applying discretion in matters of confidentiality

Key focus area: mana reo

Goal: To protect and advance te reo Māori through high-quality teaching strategies to maximise learners’ language development

Leadership practice:

  • ensuring staff are competent and confident in teaching in te reo Māori
  • ensuring resources reflect the key learning goals of high-quality language education
  • implementing recruitment policies that prioritise the necessary competencies in and commitment to te reo Māori
  • engaging learners and making sure they love learning in te reo Māori

Key focus area: mana tikanga

Goal: To preserve, practice, respect and restore tikanga Māori

Leadership practice:

  • ensuring correct protocols are adhered to in all kura activities
  • acknowledging mana whenua discourses as integral components in learning activities
  • taking a pivotal role in the restoration of tikanga

Key focus area: mana mātauranga

Goal: To preserve and protect mātauranga Māori as a foundation for teaching and learning

Leadership practice:

  • ensuring that teaching and learning programmes are underpinned by mātauranga Māori values, knowledge and skills
  • emphasising the preservation, protection and ongoing development of mātauranga Māori

Key focus area: mana ā-kura

Goal: To protect the integrity of the kura through a culture of professional commitment to realising learner potential and success

Leadership practice:

  • leading the development and implementation of programmes to meet learners’ educational needs, interests and aspirations
  • recognising that whānau and iwi are integral to the development, implementation and review of teaching and learning programmes

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