Items tagged with "Collaborative practice"
A learning organisation
This OECD guide proposes a model to describe the processes a school uses when it aspires to become a learning organisation.
Tags: Collaborative practice
Co-principals – more than the sum of two halves
Tags: Collaborative practice
Collaborative cultures
Tags: Collaborative practice
Devenport Janine
How primary schools can collaborate to provide high quality learning and professional development opportunities across clusters or communities.
Tags: Collaborative practice
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2016
- Devenport Janine
Hay-Mackenzie Jim
Research organisational change and change leadership with a specific focus on collaborative inquiry.
Tags: Collaborative practice
How do principals improve schools?
This article from Educational Leadership is set in a US context, but it has relevance for New Zealand schools who wish to establish professional learning communities (PLCs).
Tags: Collaborative practice
Huddleston Lynne
Inquire into the critical success factors required for strengthening collective teacher efficacy and collaborative practice, to enhance learner and teacher success and wellbeing.
Tags: Collaborative practice
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Primary award recipients 2019
- Huddleston Lynne
Hunt Gary
Research the effectiveness of the College's current professional development programme and how it has aligned with programmes that operate in the Mid-Bays Community of Schools.
Tags: Collaborative practice
Invercargill schools collaborate

A single transition form for the whole of Invercargill has replaced the forms each secondary school used to collect information from primary schools in the area. Southland Girls’ staff talk about how the quality of transition for staff, students and the wider community has improved.
Tags: Collaborative practice
Learning is the work
Learning is the Work is a powerful article by Michael Fullan on the benefits of collaborative work in and between schools. It is also about well-led teams of teachers working to build individual and collective capacity to raise student achievement. It is a useful article for those building understanding about effective collaborative practices.
Tags: Collaborative practices