He kaimahi - worker

“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini”
‘Leading by doing’: upholding collegial practices to build capability in others in pursuit of the goals of the kura
The kaimahi leadership role is about demonstrating a strong work ethic that models commitment and dedication to the goals of the kura. The kaimahi leadership role requires versatility and the capability to undertake a variety of duties and tasks to achieve positive outcomes for learners’ learning and development. The concept of ‘leading by doing’ is at the heart of leadership for kaimahi. Kaimahi leadership is demonstrated through a ‘hands-on’ approach, in which decision making can be guided by a ‘working knowledge’ of all aspects of the kura.
Kaimahi leadership is characterised by a willingness to become involved in various forms of work when the need arises. Additionally, the kaimahi should know, understand and appreciate the work being done by others.
Key focus area: mana mokopuna |
Goal: To work alongside learners to ensure that effective learning is taking place Leadership practice:
Key focus area: mana wairua |
Goal: To work alongside learners, staff and whānau to ensure their health, safety and well-being is supported and promoted Leadership practice:
Key focus area: mana tangata |
Goal: To work alongside others as a peer, valuing everybody’s role in the kura Leadership practice:
Key focus area: mana reo |
Goal: To advance staff capability in and through te reo Māori Leadership practice:
Key focus area: mana tikanga |
Goal: To work with others to ensure tikanga is practised and valued at the kura Leadership practice
Key focus area: mana mātauranga |
Goal: To work with kura whānau and iwi to promote mātauranga Māori in teaching and learning Leadership practice
Key focus area: mana ā-kura |
Goal: To work with teachers to successfully implement kura priorities, goals and aspirations Leadership practice: