Information for first-time principals
These resources focus on helping you to begin your role as a school’s educational leader.
School principals lead and manage multiple and complex responsibilities. They are expected to improve the quality of teaching and learning in their schools in an environment in which change is constant.
Beginning principals support
Te Akatea Māori First Time Principals’ programme

Ki te kore - Ki te Pō - Ki te Ao Mārama | Unknown potential - Unlocking potential - Unlimited potential
The Te Akatea Māori First Time Principals' programme is for Māori, by Māori and with Māori - please visit Te Akatea Māori First Time Principals’ Programme for more information.

Evaluation Associates support for beginning principals
Evaluation Associates support provides beginning principals and tumuaki with targeted, timely and tailored leadership advice to enable each of them to reach their potential.
It helps principals and tumuaki who are in their first or second year in the role build confidence and capability as leaders of learning.
For further information, visit Evaluation Associates - Principal Advisor support for beginning principals.
Information on this website
Use the links below to find some of the guides and articles on this website that can help you with management tasks:

Guides for managing your school
Further information
Surviving your first principalship from UACEL on Vimeo.
- The principalship: First-year hurdles – ASCD. Reflections of a new US primary principal on common challenges and how to respond to them.
- Supporting a principal's first years on the job – ASCD. Looks at transitioning into a principal role. Includes a list of common emotional conflicts.
- Leadership scenarios – AITSL. Videos exploring six challenges for new school leaders.