
Tū Rangatira: Māori Medium Educational Leadership is a model of leadership that reflects some of the key leadership roles and practices that contribute to high-quality educational outcomes for Māori learners.
The document has been developed through the collaboration with and sharing of insights from experienced principals, advisors, researchers and organisations who work in the Māori medium education sector. The document provides a starting point for strengthening the capability of educational leadership in the management of kura-wide activities. The main emphasis is to lift the achievement of Māori learners through effective teaching and learning practices that reflect the cultural, social, educational, and economic imperatives that whānau have for their children. This is the key goal for leadership in kura kaupapa Māori, wharekura, kura Māori ā-iwi, kura motuhake and Māori immersion and bilingual units in Aotearoa.
Educational leadership is primarily focussed on improving teacher effectiveness and learner achievement and well-being, and motivated by the regeneration of Māori language and culture and organisational commitment.
Some of these practices can be seen as:
- building staff capability in raising the standard of teaching and learning in their kura
providing high-quality teaching and learning programmes and contexts to maximise learning and success for learners
strengthening kura-wide capability in the teaching and learning in te reo Māori - shaping and implementing kura-wide Māori pedagogical practices and evidence-based inquiry to meet learners’ needs and interests
reinforcing the regeneration of te reo Māori me ōna tikanga
developing strong whānau and kura partnerships to achieve shared goals, and - knowing and valuing what students bring with them to produce better outcomes.
Leadership in Māori medium education can be seen to carry out a range of duties and tasks centred on the development and expansion of the kura community, and interests associated with the wider community. These could include leadership presence, and engagement in a range of roles that have significance to achieving opportunities and success for Māori and contributing to te ao Māori.
Effective leadership practice acknowledges there are many important participants, learners, whānau, iwi, educators, Māori communities, and government working together to maximise success for Māori. Each has a positive contribution to make and a range of skills, knowledge and resources that are important to support and deliver quality outcomes for all learners.
The model outlined in Tū Rangatira: Māori Medium Educational Leadership advocates investing in strengths, opportunities and successes. The model provided is only a snapshot of the many vital roles and practices that educational leaders carry out in their daily tasks.
Tū Rangatira focuses on leadership practices, providing insights into how effective professional development programmes can work towards strengthening leaders’ capabilities, growing capacity and sustaining exemplary leadership in the Māori medium education sector.
The Māori medium education sector is diverse, and includes the following.
Level 1 programmes (81–100 percent reo Māori):
- kura kaupapa Māori
- wharekura
- kura ā-iwi
- kura motuhake
- immersion units
Level 2 programmes (51–80 percent reo Māori):
- Māori medium bilingual units.
Tū Rangatira has been developed to support all people involved in the above settings. They include:
- tumuaki in kura kaupapa Māori, kura ā-iwi, kura motuhake and wharekura settings
- boards of trustees
- kura whānau
- principals and whānau of schools with immersion and bilingual units
- senior and middle leaders in all Māori medium programmes.
Tū Rangatira is intended to sharpen the focus of leadership and to expand the potential and achievement of Māori.
Tū Rangatira is a resource to support and strengthen leadership of teaching and learning in schools.
The content of Tū Rangatira has been guided by the wisdom of pakeke and shaped by experienced practitioners working within the Māori medium education sector.
Tū Rangatira breaks new ground in the field of educational leadership to promote cultural regeneration, kaupapa Māori philosophies, aspirations and valued learner outcomes.
The concepts outlined in this document have been drawn from a range of sources within the Māori medium education sector, including:
- the shared knowledge of tumuaki and principals
- information from the sector gathered through observation, hui and interviews
- advice from leadership research and policy groups working within the sector, and
- findings from international and national studies about the links between leadership practices and improved learner outcomes.