Rangiātea: Western Springs College
Project focus: individualised monitoring of student achievement

This is an awesome school, and you’ll do really well academically. If you come here, you won’t want to leave. (Māori student)
Western Springs College is a decile 8 co-educational school in Auckland. Māori students make up 17 percent of the roll.
The case study
Download the Western Springs College case study (PDF 372 kB)
Key points
High expectations and standards
- School-wide and department-wide targets set for students and teachers.
- School strategic goals aligned to whānau aspirations.
- Honest, non-blaming approach to evaluation of progress against targets.
Strategic resourcing
- Needs of Māori students prioritised.
- Resourcing for health centre and learning centre for homework support.
Focus on curriculum and teaching
- Regular, systematic monitoring of Māori student progress.
- Regular feedback from students, whānau and staff feeds into school planning.
Focus on orderly, supportive environment for Māori students
- Clear expectations for students and staff.
- Students and whānau believe school wants them to succeed.
- Focus on learning rather than on behaviour.
- Focus on staff building positive relationships with students.
Powerful connections with whānau and community
- Whānau in Rumaki commit to regular support like attending kapa haka, homework centre and weekend wānanga.
- Whānau support group established for Māori students in mainstream school.
- Board of trustees co-opts Māori members.
The exemplar
The Western Springs College exemplar focuses on mathematics. For a number of years, students have achieved high levels of success in this area.
There has been a programme of continuous, individualised monitoring of achievement in terms of both student progress and teaching effectiveness.
Download the Western Springs College exemplar (PDF 476 kB)
Reflective questions
Reflective questions to help groups and individuals engage with the ideas in the case studies and exemplars:
Rangiātea: reflective questions