Kia Eke Panuku resources
A range of resources from the Kia Eke Panuku programme that schools can use to help them create a positive learning environment for Māori.

Kia Eke Panuku, Building on success, was a professional development programme that ran in secondary schools throughout NZ in 2013-2016. The programme is no longer running, but many of the resources used are still available online. These include a series of e-books initially developed for use by Te Kotahitanga facilitators.
Publications – Poutama Pounamu website
Related sabbatical reports
Linda Dalzell, Southland Boys' High School (PDF)
Investigate the application of Kia Eke Panuku learning in a range of schools with particular but not exclusive focus on culturally responsive and relational pedagogy and powerful connections with whānau.
Robyn Chester, Tawa College (PDF)
How schools are developing curriculum and culturally responsive environments.