Leadership for Māori education success

Some school leaders are enjoying success among their Māori learners. The evidence and experiences that underpin such examples are important to hear about and learn from, so that success might be shared more widely.

Giving mana to Tiriti o Waitangi in our schools

Janelle Riki-Waaka asks school leaders to think about their responsibility to make their school a uniquely Aotearoa New Zealand school.

More videos from Janelle Riki-Waaka on Edtalks

A culturally responsive pedagogy of relations

Cultural relationships for responsive pedagogy

Mere Berryman and co-authors discuss the nature of cultural relationships and responsive pedagogy from a bicultural, mana ōrite perspective.

New Zealand articles and resources

Embracing cultural narratives

A cultural narrative can be your guide to threading the history and storying of mana whenua into the fabric of your school.

Supporting school leaders to meet the challenge of equity

by Marion Fitchett

In this article Marion Fitchett reviews the professional learning opportunities that educational leaders need in order to respond productively to the Ka Hikitia strategy so that Māori enjoy educational success as Māori.

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Kia Eke Panuku resources

A range of resources from the Kia Eke Panuku programme that schools can use to help them create a positive learning environment for Māori.

Rangiātea: case studies and exemplars

These five Rangiātea case studies and exemplars examine five New Zealand secondary schools on their journeys towards realising Māori student potential.

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Tags: Culturally responsive leadership

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