Rangiātea: Hastings Boys' High School
Project focus: pastoral and careers education

Let’s forget about whatever we can’t change; whatever the circumstances they come from that’s what we've been given. Let’s not make any excuses and let’s find as many strategies and processes and things to make it work. Really, it’s just a non-deficit thinking model. (Headmaster)
Hastings Boys' High School is an urban, decile 2 school. Māori students make up 45 percent of the roll.
Case study
Download the Hastings Boys' High School case study (PDF 383 kB)
Key points
Establishing goals and expectations
- School-wide goals are set and expectations clearly communicated to students, whānau, and staff.
- Priority given to goal of 80 percent attendance.
- Year 9 and 10 student learning is accelerated and closely monitored.
Strategic resourcing
- Dedicated liaison officer monitors attendances and follows up absences.
- Position of academic dean established.
- Decile funding used to support teaching and learning, such as teacher aides.
- On-site health services.
Teaching and curriculum
- Focus on teaching that works for boys, informed by research.
- Integrated school-wide systems and processes to ensure students make progress.
- Principles underpin engagement with Maori students, such as manaakitanga, wairua and tikanga.
- Māori staff provide visible and well-supported leadership in tikanga and engagement with whānau.
Powerful connections with Māori whānau and community
- Series of different events held to regularly engage whānau.
- School places importance on explaining how NCEA works, for students and whānau.
- Whānau group and Māori “old boys” help seek whānau input into school and learning.
The exemplar
The Hastings Boys’ High School exemplar explores the school’s use of Pastoral, Academic, Careers and Education (PACE), a school-wide programme to help students make choices about school courses and to be better prepared for leaving school.
Download the Hastings Boys’ High School exemplar (PDF 197 kB)
Reflective questions
Reflective questions to help groups and individuals engage with the ideas in the case studies and exemplars:
Rangiātea: reflective questions