Items tagged with "Partnerships and networks"
Drysdale Douglas
Explore how to develop partnerships with the science community to improve student achievement and engagement of reluctant learners.
Tags: Partnerships and networks
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2015
- Drysdale Douglas
Jackson Susan
To investigate effective/positive school partnerships particularly with the Parent Teacher Associations (PTA).
Tags: Partnerships and networks
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2012
- Jackson Susan
Lomas Graeme
To investigate a range of methods which schools utilise to effectively communicate and consult with their stakeholders.
Tags: Partnerships and networks
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2012
- Lomas Graeme
Uasike Jocelyn
To further develop my professional knowledge of how parental engagement contributes to student achievement in schools, to inquire how to encourage greater engagement of Pasifika parents, and to provide an opportunity for the Pasifika 'voice' be heard.
Tags: Partnerships and networks
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2012
- Uasike Jocelyn
Young Maurice
Explore how to develop educationally powerful connections with parents and whānau to lift student achievement.
Tags: Partnerships and networks
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2018
- Young Maurice